Sliding Doors

How Much Does It Cost To Replace a Sliding Glass Door Frame?

One of the main parts of a sliding glass door is the frame, which can be challenging to replace if it breaks or becomes otherwise inoperable. Moisture trapped within the tracks or walls can cause the structure to swell, warping the shape, and shifting out of place.  Knowing what type of replacement the repair will […]

How to Repair Sliding Doors

Sliding doors can offer several advantages in any home, including saving space, better ventilation, and better lighting if made of glass. However, one of the few disadvantages is their tendency to wear out and break faster than hinged doors.  Whatever type of sliding door you have, there are many ways they can become damaged. Indoor […]

Sliding Doors Repair Pricing

Sliding doors are a go-to for many homeowners with a patio, porch, or beautiful back lawn. They are usually made of glass, ideal for letting in light and enjoying your view from indoors and out. However, the danger of sliding glass doors is that glass is very fragile.  All too often, glass panels in sliding […]

How Long Does It Take To Install A Sliding Glass Door?

Many homeowners are interested in doing housing installations themselves to save a little money. If you have an idea of what you’re doing, this can be a great way to stay on budget. However, if you don’t have any experience with the modifications you need and plan to wing it, you may want to consider […]